My name is Sammo Lusa, I come from Buenos Aires, Argentina, I have lived in Italy and the USA. Since 1988 I am living Berlin. I have been leading open groups, workshops and trainings in the field of dance therapy for many years and have teaching experience in creative dance and acting.
Since 2014 I have been leading the Biodanza School Berlin-Mitte, System Rolando Toro.
I have additional training in: Project Minotaur; Identity and the Four Elements; Identity, deep femininity and masculinity, Instincts and existential decisions, Biodanza with voice and percussion.
I am a member of the International Biodanza Federation.
I work in Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Latvia, Russia, Hungary and Poland.
For 20 years I am working as a special therapist in biodanza in a clinic for psychiatry, psychotherapy, somatics and addiction medicine.